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Kate Butcher

Blogger, Student

Emily Bartlett

Blogger, Student

Email :
Instagram : _kate_butcher 
Tumblr : Katelynbutcher1
Email :
Instagram: xemilybartlett
Tumblr: emilylxu

I'm Kate, i'm 15 years old. I'm half British, half American. I love to travel and I aspire to do so one day. If someone asked me what my aspiration for life is i'd say to be able to provide for me and those around me. I love those days where you can just chill out and be yourself. My favourite holiday is Christmas (obviously) because its the time of year you can hang out with your family and do lots of festive things! I don't really have a favourite type of music genre as I love them all! I hope you enjoy our blog, however it's still a work in progress!

Hi my name is Emily and I'm 16 from Chelmsford. There is nothing I love more than travelling. Growing up, I never really found my hobby or was interested in anything specific. I enjoy doing lots of different activities and going on new adventures to explore different places. My greatest goal in life is to be able to travel the world, whether that's as part of my job or with my future family. I hope you take your time to read mine and Kate's blog as we seem to share the same adorations which is part of why we first decided to give blogging a go.

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